
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Turning fashion into action: Humble Lily

The Humble Lily is an Omaha gem that is becoming not-so-secret. The Humble Lily is an immaculate boutique at 10730 Pacific Street, Suite 114 in Shaker Place that sells lightly used women’s clothing. The proceeds from The Humble Lily support Bethlehem house, a 12-bedroom maternity home for pregnant women in crisis.

Last year Humble Lily funds accounted for 30% of operating income for Bethlehem House. Volunteers are a key part of keeping overhead low. One of these valued volunteers is Kaye.

Volunteer highlight: A ride-along with the Truck Brigade

Partnership 4 Hope's Youth Mart, a donation center for former foster youth, needs new Truck Brigade volunteers! Sign up to join the Truck Brigade here.
Overheard during a ride-along with the Truck Brigade, as a team of volunteers delivered a couch, bed frame and mattress to a recipient of donation items:

Volunteer highlight: Food Bank for the Heartland

It’s all about perspective. If you see a carrot with three or four legs at the supermarket, you might “turnip” your nose at it. At a farmer’s market? That organic carrot has personality and it’s worth at least double!   

On a Tuesday evening at the Food Bank for the Heartland, volunteers inspected and sorted pot roast veggies, including carrots with a few extra legs, for distribution to the 93 counties and over 500 agencies the Food Bank serves in Nebraska and Western Iowa.

Volunteer highlight: Open Door Mission

Open Door Mission, who seeks to end the cycle of homelessness and poverty, serves over a million nutritious meals per year. To make that happen, countless vegetables need chopped and sack lunches must be prepared. Walk-in volunteers at the community kitchen are welcome Monday-Friday from 9-11am and 2-4pm and are vital to getting meals out the door.