
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

#GivingEveryTuesday: Museums

Each Tuesday, SHARE Omaha features a unique cause theme for #GivingEveryTuesday and encourages our community to give and support in any way we can! This week's #GivingEveryTuesday theme is Museums. Today is a great day to give a sustaining gift to a local museum!

The Durham Museum

Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum

Gallery 1516

Great Plains Black History Museum

Sarpy County Museum

Malcolm X Memorial Foundation

Czech and Slovak Educational Center and Cultural Museum


Joslyn Castle & Gardens

Joslyn Art Museum

El Museo Latino


Strategic Air & Space Museum 

Clayton Anderson, executive director of the Strategic Air & Space Museum shares, "Donations to museums that serve as STEM Education Centers like ours, are critical to enabling appropriate skillset programs to be attainable for our young people.  The venue of a museum, especially one that features amazing aircraft, rockets, and spaceships, is the perfect place to do that enabling.  It allows us to give back to those gracious enough to donate in helping to build a strong, well-educated citizenry, and hopefully, provide job retention in the State of Nebraska." 

Nearly every day, the Strategic Air & Space Museum offers the residents of the metro a venue that is unparalleled in the Midwest. Serving one of the most diverse populations imaginable, they “entertain, educate, and inspire” humans of all ages, with an overarching goal of helping all to “see what’s possible.”  And maybe, just maybe, they'll find Nebraska’s next Astronaut!

"The Strategic Air Command and Aerospace Museum needs the community –first and foremost-- to know that we are changing.  For the past 25 years, we have been teaching our visitors Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) by telling the story of how SAC –and later STRATCOM—used the strength of deterrence to help win the Cold War.  Moving forward, re-vitalization becomes our focus, with the goal of turning the SAC Aerospace Museum into the Midwest’s premier museum/educational science center destination.  To do this, we need support, both financially and figuratively, as we are targeting parents, children, extended families, schools, our military, and retirees, to be sure our new direction –based on a solid history of deterrence - is also pointing strongly toward the stars," says Clayton. 

Donate to Strategic Air & Space Museum

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