
Some call it stories. Others call it a blog. But here you will find nuggets of goodness to use and -- you guessed it -- SHARE!

Shop for Good: Project Harmony Child Advocacy Center

As givers, we don't always know how our donations of items will make someone smile. This is just one example of how a gift made one young girl's day a little brighter.

Project Harmony Child Advocacy Center's receptionist, Pam, noticed a young girl in her waiting room - the center offers services related to child abuse - was about to celebrate a birthday.  She asked the child what she wanted for her birthday. She told Pam, she wanted a Barbie car. 

Shop for Good: Spielbound

"You know it amazes me as a medical researcher how much benefit there are to playing board games. If you play a board game once a week after the age of 55 you're much less likely to get dementia and Alzheimer's disease than somebody who doesn't. More so than diet and exercise and reading. That's just one of the many reasons why we like the enjoyment and the health benefits of play," says Dr. Kaleb Michaud, Director of Spielbound.

Shop for Good: Partnership 4 Hope

"Everything we do here is trying to connect those dots to make sure our young people are supported and can do the things they want to and need to do. They have a really strong desire to make significant strides in their lives and they just need a little bit of help here are there, " shares Morgan, Youth Mart manager at Partnership 4 Hope.

Shop for Good: Society of St. Vincent de Paul

"Everyone is so grateful when they receive these donations. They always say thank you and are so grateful to have something as a simple as a pair of socks because it does provide hope that tomorrow is going to be better."

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Omaha is a direct-aid organization, supporting those in critical financial need in our community. Their ultimate goal is to prevent families and individuals experiencing a financial crisis from falling into homelessness. 

Shop for Good: Access Period

"About 1 in 4 people who menstruate experience period poverty."

Access Period’s mission is to end period poverty in Nebraska through the thoughtful distribution of menstrual products. They serve anyone who needs access to basic needs products through strategic partnerships with community organizations, schools, and free Access Points throughout Nebraska. 

Shop for Good and send the items they need


Shop for Good: TeamMates Mentoring Program

During this episode of Shop for Good, presented by Wells Fargo, we heard "Legos are very, very popular!" 

TeamMates matches volunteer mentors with youth in schools across our communities. These mentors help young people find their strengths and talents. Not surprisingly, TeamMates' wish list of items needed includes lots of supplies for activities that matches can do together. Can you imagine what a surprise it would be for TeamMates participants if we all bought out their wish list today?

Shop for Good: Restoring Dignity

When you "shop for good," you are buying the exact items nonprofits need to carry out their missions in the greater Omaha area.

Restoring Dignity is bringing lasting change and hope to local refugees. At the heart of their work is the belief that something can and should be done to meet the needs of Omaha’s refugee community through empowerment, education, and advocacy partnerships.

One way you can support their work is by... shopping for good!

Shop for Good: Launch Leadership

During today's episode of Shop for Good, presented by Wells Fargo, I enjoyed learning about the work of Launch Leadership.

Launch Leadership provides transformational leadership development services to students grades 6-12 from all over the country. Their one-of-a-kind curriculum and staff of trained facilitators help students discover their unique leadership potential. Students return to their homes, schools and communities ready to make a positive impact. 

Share With Us!

We have so much great news to share from our nonprofit partners about their amazing work. But, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have stories you'd like to tell and we'll make you a guest blogger!!