National Literacy Month: Omaha Public Library Foundation

The Omaha Public Library Foundation supports Omaha Public Library by increasing community access to lifelong learning and literacy through fundraising and advocacy.

Give a gift to the Omaha Public Library Foundation

Tune in to this #NationalLiteracyMonth conversation with Wendy Townley about how you can support the foundation this month:

Hunger Action Month: Together

It's Hunger Action Month in the Omaha metro and now is the time to support the fight against food insecurity. 

Together's mission is to prevent and end hunger and homelessness in the Omaha community. Together helps individuals and families through three programs, The Horizons Program (rapid rehousing), Crisis Engagement (prevention and diversion) and The Nourish Program (food pantry, food education, SNAP and WIC). 

Donate to Together

Coffee Chat: August 2023

Each month, we have the pleasure of gathering with our nonprofit members at an event we call Cuppa Jo'maha, which feature conversations with community leaders over a cup of joe. August's event featured Lindsay Cosimano sharing about Nebraska Health Network resources, including Community Relay, a free resource for neighbors to locate programs and services based on their needs.

Volunteer Voices: Jack, Cake4Kids volunteer

At Cake4Kids, volunteers bake and deliver free, custom birthday cakes for underserved children. They may be in group homes, at a domestic violence or human trafficking shelter, in low-income housing with or without a parent, or even homeless. They aim to raise their self-esteem and confidence with a seemingly simple gift on their special day. It may just be a cake, but the children they bake for know that a stranger took the time and effort to do something special just for them.

Community members, Wells Fargo support students through annual SHARE Omaha school supply drive

SHARE Omaha’s community-wide Back to School drive, presented by Wells Fargo, helped students start the school year on the right foot. More than 2,000 caring neighbors across the greater Omaha metro took time out of their summer to view nonprofit school supply wish lists and help area youth go back to school with everything they need for a successful school year. Thousands of items were donated by community members through the drive and each nonprofit’s outreach efforts.

Shop for Good: Methodist Hospital Foundation

"Reading to an infant is something that has a huge impact, not only on their health but bonding for families," says Tracy Madden-McMahon, Methodist Hospital Foundation president and CEO. In fact, parents who read to their infants in the NICU experience less stress and are more likely to read to their infants when they go home. 

This week's #ShopforGood feature, presented by Wells Fargo, shows us how we can help provide books for Methodist Hospital's NICU families.

Volunteer Voices: Stacy, cake maker for Open Door Mission

Stacy has been crafting smiles and spreading joy for birthday girls and boys for over a decade. Arriving multiple times each month at Open Door Mission’s Lydia House with a noticeable pink box in hand, Stacy has made it her mission to bring happiness to children at the emergency shelter by providing personalized cakes for each child on their birthday.

"I love that kids know what the pink box means," Stacy says. “It’s time for their day of celebration, a moment of joy, and a birthday memory to hold onto."