Volunteer Voices: Kayla

When we heard of Kayla's community-wide volunteerism, using SHARE Omaha to find opportunities, we wanted to hear more about what's motivating her to continue giving her time. Tune in to the Volunteer Voices video below and hear how Kayla has even made her service contagious.

"It helps me feel my cup," she says.

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Watch the interview with Kayla:

Guest blog: An update from Smile Baggs

This blog is guest-written by Sarah Phelps, Smile Baggs Board Member

Our Smile Baggs founder, Desree Coleman, often says that she wants working moms to have the opportunities, resources, and respite that she didn’t have as the single working mother of two children. She sees that moms in our community could thrive and lead so much more with a little help along the way. 

Shop for Good: Project Harmony Child Advocacy Center

As givers, we don't always know how our donations of items will make someone smile. This is just one example of how a gift made one young girl's day a little brighter.

Project Harmony Child Advocacy Center's receptionist, Pam, noticed a young girl in her waiting room - the center offers services related to child abuse - was about to celebrate a birthday.  She asked the child what she wanted for her birthday. She told Pam, she wanted a Barbie car.