What We Do
At Cake4Kids, we bake and deliver free, custom birthday cakes for underserved children. They may be in group homes, at a domestic violence or human trafficking shelter, in low-income housing with or without a parent, or even homeless. We aim to raise their self-esteem and confidence with a seemingly simple gift on their special day. It may just be a cake, but the children we bake for know that a stranger took the time and effort to do something special just for them.
Interesting Info
- Nationwide we have over 600 partner agencies, 5,000 volunteer bakers and have baked over 50,000 cakes since we started in 2010
- Our busiest month has seen over 1,000 cakes being delivered
- The most requested themes for cakes are unicorns, superheroes and video games
Geographic Location
Douglas County, NE, Sarpy County, NE, Council Bluffs