Our global community of volunteers - community members who love to cook - make batches of lasagnas each week and deliver them free of charge to local individuals and families who have requested a meal. Individuals and families can sign up with no questions asked and no judgments made, eliminating the stigmas and barriers so often associated with asking for help. Once a request is matched with a local volunteer, that volunteer coordinates directly with the family using the contact information provided and schedules a day and time for delivery of a meal. Volunteering is flexible! Our volunteers choose how often to be matched, with how many families, and the driving radius that works. The best part? The warm fuzzies you get from sharing a homemade meal with someone in need and making their day brighter.
Volunteers need no prior experience or education, but will be required to watch and abide by food safety videos. Volunteers pay for their ingredients, supplies, and transportation costs. Volunteers must possess the ability to use the internet to access their assigned requests; shop for ingredients; prepare, bake, and deliver lasagnas; and communicate via text, email, and phone.