Intercultural Senior Center

Volunteer Opportunity:
Lunch Volunteers
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(Mon. to Fri.; 11:20 AM to 12:30 PM). This is a simple and fun way for you to make a difference! As an individual or a small group of 2-4 people, it takes about an hour of your time to serve hot, nutritious meals to the tables where our older adults are gathered for lunch. Our process is for volunteer teams to sign up for a single date and then consider the possibility of an ongoing commitment (monthly, quarterly, or as it fits your schedule).

Good for Groups?
Volunteer Needs
Volunteer groups welcome
Spanish instructions available
Interpreter available for American Sign Language
Type of Opportunity
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025, 11:20am - 12:30pm
Repeats daily on Monday to Friday, 11:20am - 12:30pm for 365 times
Duration of 1 hour 10 minutes
Location Details
At Nonprofit's Location
Indoor Project
I'm Interested!