Intercultural Senior Center

Volunteer Opportunity:
Food Pantry
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Food Pantry (Mon. to Fri.; hours vary but generally 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM). Help sort donations, organize the pantry and freezer areas, and organize fresh produce — tasks vary day to day, and ISC’s Food Pantry Coordinator will provide direction. Up to three people can volunteer at the same time, and tasks typically can be completed in 1-2 hours.

Good for Groups?
Volunteer Needs
Volunteer groups welcome
Hours verification for school provided
Spanish instructions available
Type of Opportunity
Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, 12pm - 3pm
Repeats daily on Monday to Friday, 12pm - 3pm for 365 times
Duration of 3 hours
Location Details
At Nonprofit's Location
Indoor Project
I'm Interested!