This opportunity has passed.
Volunteers are needed for the following:
A. Marketing - improve flyer and create several versions for distribution DUE BY JANUARY 17TH
B. Meet on Feb. 7 at the CEC Rm. 219 - organize art materials, supplies, make labels, etc.
C. Day of - Feb. 8, 2025 - arrive at 12:00 noon - support participants with handing out art supplies, set-up/breakdown, serve snacks/juice, clean-up, and build and encourage confidence of participants - PROGRAM IS 1-5PM - VOLUNTEERS DO NOT HAVE TO REMAIN THE ENTIRE TIME.
D. A-V set-up for slide show and music - DAY OF FEB. 8 - 12:30 pm
E. Operate hair dryers for drying art DAY OF FEB. 8 - 12:30 pm
F. Make signs for Art Connections to Science - tbd - DUE BY JANUARY 17TH - INFO WILL COME FROM DR. RIVERS TO VOLUNTEERS on this date at the CEC.
We are most appreciative of your service to our mission and vision to bring STEM and STEAM programs to our youth and community.
- Event Planning & Support
- Fundraising
- Marketing & Public Relations
- Other
- Tutoring & Education
- Visual Art
The Local Art Plug
1722 St. Mary's Avenue #10
Omaha, NE 68102
United States