Everyday Science and Science Support

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Dr. Diane Rivers
Primary Contact Name
Diane Rivers
Main Address

University of Nebraska at Omaha Weitz Community Engagment Center
6400 South, University Drive Road North, Omaha, NE 68182 Room 219.E
Omaha , NE 68182
United States

Everyday Science and Science Support
P.O. Box 642211
Omaha, NE 68164
United States

What We Do

Since 2021, we have provided a great resource for families as they embark on their science, technology, and math journeys.  Families, afterschool programs, and entire communities are able to receive free STEM Read-Alouds, a STEM teaching guide for toddlers, and 7-week SEL and culturally-proficient STEM experiences.  Children and families are greeted with passionate and knowledgeable science explorations ranging from energy cycles, the states of matter, physics of engineering, and ecological habitats.  Here, families who are not able to afford STEM camps, or afterschool programs strengthen their appreciation for STEM.

We believe in the entire family as a learning unit.  Accessibility to STEM involves more than a field trip.  We believe in providing experiences that unite all aspects of learning all sciences and integration of  social-emotional and cultural aspects of STEM and STEAM. 

Interesting Info
  • We have partner with over 10 community nonprofits and we have served over 300 participants.
  • We host an annual STEM Read and Feed and Book Giveaway and have donated over 200 FREE STEM ReadAlouds to families.
  • We feature collaborations and consultations to create original STEM and STEAM curriculum for afterschool programs.
Geographic Location

North Omaha

Energy Cycles in Ecosystems - led lights highlight varying forms of energy transfers