Stand For Schools is dedicated to Nebraska's ongoing tradition of public school excellence. We support policies that will further strengthen our public schools and allow every Nebraskan to develop the skills they need to thrive. Public schools are open to all, they are free and fair, and they provide fiscally conservative oversight of taxpayer dollars through elected school boards. Our state boasts the second-highest high school graduation rate in the country, one of the nation’s top ACT scores, and the seventh-highest college-going rate in the nation. The vast majority of Nebraskans, nearly 80 percent, support public education, according to recent Gallup polls. We know public education works, and we need to pursue further improvements to meet our state’s changing needs. Stand For Schools exists to support our public schools’ history of success, and to find innovative ways to make them even stronger — through opportunities like early childhood education, school to career pathways, and before- and after-school and summer programming.
- The overwhelming majority of Americans (and Nebraskans) support public education and want policymakers to prioritize adequate school funding.
- There is no conclusive evidence that charter schools or vouchers improve student achievement.
- Charters and vouchers reduce oversight and accountability while increasing cost as well as racial and economic segregation.