The Set Me Free Project began after learning about the lack of Human Trafficking prevention education in our communities. Our services include training youth, parents, and community members to recognize human trafficking efforts and occurrences in our communities and online, and how to respond in safe and healthy ways to prevent the spread of Human Trafficking. We provide trafficking prevention presentations and curriculums, training in over 400 elementary, middle, and high schools, hotels and motels, church, industry and community groupss so far. We strive to do good through our work every day. Volunteer to train staff in hotels and motels, or adopt a school and provide curriculum for the school of your choice!
See how you can help by clicking here:
- 94.5% of students had a better understanding of human trafficking after our presentation based on our post-survey.
- 96% of students changed their privacy settings on social media after our presentation based on our post-survey.
- 4,692 students were reached in our program from 2018-2019, that is expected to grow to 10,000 by next year.