PTI Nebraska

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Jennifer Miller
Primary Contact Name
Jennifer Miller
Main Address

1941 S 42nd Street
Suite #205
Omaha, NE 68105
United States

What We Do

Our mission is to provide training, information, and support to families with children birth to age 26 who have disabilities or special healthcare needs. We want to empower parents and enable them to advocate effectively for their child's needs and have the capacity to improve the educational and healthcare outcomes for their children. Our vision is that children with disabilities will be prepared to lead productive, independent adult lives to the maximum extent possible.

Interesting Info
  • PTI Nebraska helps over 2000 families and over 500 professionals each year.
  • Staff at PTI Nebraska are uniquely qualified to assist Nebraska families as they each have a family member with a disability or special healthcare need.
  • Services at PTI Nebraska are always free for families.
Geographic Location


PTI staff at a conference
Heidi hosting an information table
Jenn, Sandy, and Connie at a training session
Sharon and Lisa hosting an information table