Omaha Area Sanctuary Network

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Ms. Lisa Lima, Board Chair
Primary Contact Name
Lisa Lima
Main Address

15659 Fountain Hills Drive
Omaha, NE 68118
United States

What We Do

Unaccompanied minors, often fleeing trauma, cross the southern border alone, are briefly detained, and transferred to various shelters across the country, where there's no defined time limit. They may move between multiple shelters before finding a final destination with family or friends, while facing cultural shock and bias in American communities.

These youth are often placed with low-income, undocumented families who receive limited financial support compared to foster care. These families require assistance accessing basic resources and emotional support. Our ILC social workers, immigrants or children of immigrants themselves, apply trauma-informed care and ethical principles in their work, understanding cultural nuances.

Immigrant Legal Center (ILC) determines who may need assistance and passes the information to OASN to help with basic necessities, physical exams, English language or GED classes, or mental health therapy. 

Interesting Info
  • Often the families we help, stay in touch and we celebrate their successes with them.
  • Did you know your contribution will benefit a whole family unit?
  • Without our work children won't have some basic needs met when the family is unable to do so.
Geographic Location

South Omaha

Volunteer Opportunities

Transport a child to an appointment.
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