Nebraska Journalism Trust
The Nebraska Journalism Trust is Nebraska's first independent, statewide, nonprofit news organization. Our mission is to uncover truth, amplify diverse voices, and enrich life in Nebraska. Our flagship publication, the Flatwater Free Press, produces an original combination of hard-hitting investigative journalism and feature stories that bind the state together. We also publish the Silicon Prairie News, which fosters community among Nebraska's start-up businesses and entrepreneurs.
Our journalism is supported by donations and made freely available to all, including partnering news outlets in print and on the air. Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter here:
Your donation supports a free press, the First Amendment, and the right of all Nebraskans to know the truth. Consider joining us today.
- Our typical story reaches 365,000 Nebraskans online, in print, and on the air.
- Some of our best reporting has reached millions of Americans through USA Today, Indian Country Today, and the Washington Post.
- Launched in 2021, we are growing fast. Your support would help us hire new reporters to grow our coverage of Omaha and Nebraska.