Omaha's premier vocal jazz ensemble, MasterSingers Omaha, is dedicated to the art of jazz and pop ensemble singing and the importance of community in the creation of art. Since its inception in 1969, the MasterSingers (formerly “The Voices of Mel Olson” and later “Die Meistersingers”) have strived to nourish the health of choral arts in the region. Propelled by a fervent belief in the power of the choral experience, the group’s leadership has sought opportunities to transform its creative vision into reality, welcoming guest artists and conductors, producing recordings and commissioning new works. The ensemble is composed of gifted singers from Omaha, eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Our singers include adults from all walks of life and professions - each brings a unique background to the group and no professional experience is needed. We all share enthusiasm, community,and a love and talent for making and presenting great choral music.
- A Christmas recording “Light of Love” was released in 1995, and the choral jazz recording “Friends” was released in the spring of 1997.
- The “New” MasterSingers have recently dedicated themselves to the art of jazz and pop ensemble singing.