Hook n Sync Foundation Inc

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Sasha B
Primary Contact Name
Sasha B
Main Address

663 N 132nd St
Omaha, NE 68154
United States

What We Do

MISSION : Nonprofit initiative with a mission, passion and vision for creating an integrated platform elevating local music and various other forms of performing arts for diverse inter-genre, inter-arts, inter-cultural music performances in order to build and forge an enriched integrated community bridging racial and cultural diversity through the soul language of arts and culture. Hook n Sync is focused towards creating an extended support platform and performance exposure for underserved singer songwriters and musicians across the midwest community with a special side focus on uplifting the gender equity in creative fields.

Currently, in the short term, Hook n Sync is building a movement towards an integrated city wide cultural platform in Omaha, Nebraska to engage and elevate Omaha's music and performing arts scene through several focused mixed-genre, inter-arts, inter-cultural music festivals that also engage the small businesses community and create economic / business opportunities to a plethora of diverse, visual creatives, art vendors and other local, home based small businesses through cultivated vendor-fairs at these music festivals, aligned with the idealism of a unified synergistic melting-pot to engage, unite and uplift several different cross-sections of the community. 

Just in 2023, Hook n Sync already has 6 different diverse outdoor festivals planned with very diverse programming that also include family friendly and kids activities, games, contests, costumes, vendor fairs, food trucks etc for a broader based appeal of all ages and  community engagement. This is planned in various different parts of the city to mobilize and energize the different, varied geographical and community demographics of the population.

Interesting Info
  • Just in 2023, Hook n Sync brought 6 large scale style ALL FREE music festivals in very premier locations across the city just ONLY AFTER 1 year of operation.
  • We offered integrated music of all genres, National Acts, Grammy Winners, Grammy Nominees, other touring bands ALL FREE to community.
  • We have been working hard to build community with ZERO RESOURCES, FUNDING or SPONSOR with Exec Dir pledging all her personal savings.
Geographic Location

Douglas County, NE, Sarpy County, NE, Dodge County, NE, Washington County, NE, Pottawattamie County, IA, Mills County, IA, Fremont County, Cass County

Volunteer Opportunities
402 Festival Omaha
Repeats daily for 2 times
Daily for 2 times
Daily for 2 times

General Volunteer
Repeats every 365 days for 244 times