What We Do
Our mission is to support and empower all immigrants and refugees through programs and services, to advance the preservation of immigrant’s cultural heritages and promote cultural diversity and knowledge throughout our community. We do so through our Direct Assistance program, English Language Acquisition Program, Cultural Diversity and Integration Program, Civic and Citizenship services. Trauma & Cultural Counseling services.
Interesting Info
- Last 7 months, HIC has helped 503 immigrants and refugees, provided 1,163 instructional hours, provided free mental health to 67 clients.
- In 2018, 138,953 Immigrants make up 7% of Nebraska population. Today, this number is much hihger.
- Make Omaha a welcoming and a better place for place for all!
Geographic Location
Volunteer Opportunities
English Conversation Workshop Facilitator
Repeats every 22 days for 186 times
Civic &Citizenship Instructor
Repeats every 22 days on Saturday for 186 times
Citizenship Preparation Program
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Repeats weekly on Saturday, 11am - 12:30pm for 260 times
Duration of 1 hour 30 minutes