Heart of a Child Ministries
Heart of a Child Ministries is changing the heart of the nation by showing the heart of the child. We shine the light on the gift of the child and on who we are as children of God through our science-based, live 2D/3D ultrasound presentations, and pro-life prayer pillows and products. We bring live ultrasound, pro-life education into schools, churches and communities. We have been in both private and public schools.
We offer four age-appropriate school/religious education presentations: K-3rd, 4-6th, 7-8th and high school on up using our 4S model of education – Scripture, Science, Stories and Service. Parent/child participation is highly encouraged in all presentations.
- K-3rd -focuses on Scripture, songs, fun fetal facts, live ultrasound, and interactive hands on activities.
- 4-6th – focuses on Scripture, fun fetal facts, live ultrasound, adoption speaker, and interactive hands on activities.
- 7-8th – focuses on Scripture, fun fetal facts, live ultrasound, introduces the topic of abortion through the story of the Prolife Prayer Pillows. Other options: schools can choose from a variety or pro-life speakers from our speakers list and offer a Q & A Pro-life Panel Discussion w/pro-life professionals.
- High school and beyond – focuses on Scripture, fun fetal facts, live ultrasound, abortion, adoption and abstinence speakers. Schools can choose from our speakers list and offer a Q & A Pro-life Panel Discussion with pro-life professionals and speakers.
Video trailers of our live ultrasound presentations can be viewed below.
- This organization was started in prayer by a seven-year old child named Grace.
- We have brought our live ultrasound presentations into eight states; Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Kansas, Illinois, Alabama, and California.
- We have shared our live ultrasound presentations to more than 25,000 students!