Friends of Heron Haven
What We Do
Friends of Heron Haven Inc., a non-profit organization, is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the natural bio-diversity of the Omaha wetland known as Heron Haven. The goals of the organization also include the maintenance and development of facilities and exhibits in support of indoor and outdoor nature education, as well as the enjoyment and appreciation of wetland flora and fauna.
Interesting Info
- Heron Haven is a spring fed wetland sanctuary, featuring one of the last remaining oxbow wetlands of the Big Papillion Creek.
- 182 species of birds have been observed at Heron Haven. That's nearly 40% of the bird diversity in the state!
Geographic Location
Heron Haven Photography Club
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Repeats monthly on the last Saturday, 9:30am - 10:30am for 11 times
Duration of 1 hour