Charles Drew Health Center, Inc. is dedicated to providing quality comprehensive healthcare that acknowledges the dignity of the individual, the strength of the family, and the supportive network of the community. As a community health center committed to providing affordable and accessible health care to all people, we strive to improve the health status of the communities we serve. We’re committed to growing a healthy, equitable community by providing quality, comprehensive healthcare, regardless of ability to pay. We work to eliminate or minimize any barriers patients may have and assist them with any applicable resources to receive the care that they need.
Today, there are nearly 30 million Americans without health insurance and millions more who are struggling without access to basic health care services. Community health centers like Charles Drew Health Center offer real solutions. Through our primary healthcare delivery sites, we have met the medical, dental, behavioral health, and pharmacy needs of people throughout the Omaha metropolitan area. Since opening our doors in 1983, we have always been and remain committed to improving the health and well-being of our community, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.
- Nebraska's First Federally-Qualified Community Health Center