Angels Among Us

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Susie Nelson, Executive Director
Primary Contact Name
Aly Goedeken
Main Address

220 N. 89th St.
Suite 101
Omaha, NE 68114
United States

What We Do

Angels Among Us provides financial and emotional support to families whose children are battling cancer. Any family living in or being treated in the state of Nebraska is eligible to apply for financial assistance(payments made directly to creditors). Since 2006, Angels Among Us has provided nearly $5 million in support to over 700 families. Families are recommended for support from the Hematology/Oncology social work offices of Children's Hospital & Medical Center and Nebraska Medicine. Once an application is completed and approved, families are assisted for as long as their treatment plan deems appropriate ranging from 6 months to 30 months and can receive either $500 or $750 a month based on household income levels and the federal poverty rates.

Interesting Info
  • We have helped over 700 families since 2006, giving over $5 million in support.
  • 29% of families battling pediatric cancer will lose their homes, due to their financial burdens.
  • Nebraska ranks #1 out of the 12 Midwestern states for the number of pediatric cancer incidences.
Geographic Location

Iowa, Nebraska


An Evening Among Angels
Duration of 3 hours 30 minutes
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