Nebraska Humane Society

Margre Durham Walk & Dog Fest

Get those walking shoes ready! Grab that leash! The Walk for the Animals is just around the corner. Don’t miss the oodles of giveaways, fun activities, beer garden, kid’s zone, silent auction, rescue groups and more! Form a Dog Pack or Cat Colony and raise money to earn great incentives while saving the lives of homeless animals. Register now at www.nehumanesocietyorg/walk. For more information, or to become a sponsor, contact Gordon at 402-905-3438 or

Event Type
Event Setting
At Nonprofit's Location

Nebraska Humane Society
8929 Fort Street
Omaha, NE 68134
United States

Sunday, September 28th, 2025, 11am - 3pm Google Outlook iCal
Repeats annually on the last Sunday of September, 11am - 3pm for 5 times Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 4 hours