Embracing the ICU

Christmas Holidays at the Hospital

We are looking to parter with up to 4 Restaurants or Caterers to provide Christmas Meals for our families while they are in the NICU.   We are in need of 60 individually packaged and re-heatable meals per each hospital.  If you would like to provide enough for the NICU medical staff, please include 100 meals.   Any business or organization that provides would be allowed to provide collateral for parents to take with them as well as social media acknowledgments.  If also desired, Embracing the ICU can provide tax credit documentation for the retail value of your in-kind donation.  We try to offer meals and/or treats for every major holiday at the NICU.  As it is difficult to be away from family as well as not be able to participate in all the traditional ways at the holidays with an ICU child.  If you are not able to participate for this holiday, please reach out about another holiday that you would like to support. 

Event Setting
Offsite Location

Various Local Hospitals
Omaha, NE
United States

Wednesday, December 24th, 2025, 10am - 12pm Google Outlook iCal
Repeats annually on the 24th of December, 10am - 12pm for 5 times Google Outlook iCal
Duration of 2 hours