Alternatives to Violence Project - Omaha

Volunteer Opportunity:
Reintegration Field Trip Sponsor
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Omaha AVP is a wholly volunteer-led nonprofit.  It has no paid employees.  Volunteers choose where to focus their time  focusing on one or multiple areas of contribution.  The decision is based on a volunteer's individual preferences, talents and availability.  Volunteers form teams for each workshop, event or activity.  Thus a volunteer has many ways to contribute and opportunities to work with a variety of different volunteers, participants and community members.

Ongoing AVP training and support are provided by President, AVP Corrections Liaison, as well as fellow volunteers. As we say in AVP:  All are teachers. All are learners.



Community reintegration field trips offer fun and engaging ways to learn more about Omaha in 4 hour periods.  Field trips are provided for currently incarcerated citizens and returning neighbors to ease the transition from incarceration's social isolation to the busy and highly interaction 24/7 community life.   They also offer opportunities for community building and pro-social skill development.

Venues vary by event.

Duties include:

  • Work directly with incarcerated citizens housed at the Community Corrections Center* - Omaha (CCCO) who are at various stages of leaving incarceration and returning to community life.
  • Provide a supportive environment for learning successful living skills
  • Assist with event food/meal when needed and willing
  • Attend a variety of community events such as  museums,  symphonies, operas and plays,  touring local venues such as the Malcolm X Center, participate in workshops,  etc.
  • Provide conversation, oversight and accompaniment to field trip participants
  • Participate in monthly Volunteer/Facilitator Meetings


Additionally, Reintegration Field Trip Sponsors:

  • Have own transportation  to events
  • Provide transportation for others event attendees, when possible and needed
  • Must provide proof of a current driver license, access to a legally register vehicle, and proof of auto insurance. 
  • Maintain Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (NDCS) Volunteer Approval (background check) and Community Correctional Center - Omaha (CCCO)sponsorship clearance. 
  • Must be 20 yrs or older

*CCCO is a low security incarceration facility under the jurisdiction of NDCS.  Sponsors providing transportation are required to go into CCCO to accompany men participating in the reintegration field trip. 

Note:  This work can be deeply moving, at times emotional,  and immeasurably appreciated and satisfying.  Through fields trips, volunteers and participants  break down social barriers and dismantle societal stigmas and biases about people impacted by the criminal justice system. 

Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Activity Type
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
Repeats daily until Thursday, April 24th, 2025
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
Offsite Location
Indoor Project
Outdoor Project

Omaha locations vary by field trip. Meetings and some events held at the First Unitarian Church
3114 Harney St
Omaha, NE 68131
United States

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