Alternatives to Violence Project - Omaha

Volunteer Opportunity:
AVP Workshop Facilitator
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AVP is a wholly volunteer-led nonprofit.  It has no paid staff or employees.  All AVP initiatives are performed by volunteers who work in teams formed for individual events.  They volunteer based on personal interests, training and availability.  The combination offers volunteers a wide range of engaging opportunities with a variety of people from many walks of life and personal stories. 

The AVP workshops are the heart and soul of AVP's  foundational Transforming Power concept - finding in ourselves and our opponent our innate ability to constructive transform and resolve conflicts.  

Omaha AVP offers two kinds of workshops: 

  • 2 hr Community Outreach mini-workshops to provide an  AVP introduction
  • 3 day workshops AVP in-depth workshops which  explore Transforming Power and/or special topics such as forgiveness, empathy,  or anger. 
  • Workshop contents ares based on the proven AVP curriculum developed in the Green Haven Prison  in 1975 and now used by AVP chapters in prisons around the US and in many countries around the world.  This curriculum is also the basis of workshop new facilitator training. 
  • Must be 20 yrs or older



  • Work as a member of a facilitation team to plan and conduct AVP workshops
  • Promote a safe and trusting workshop environment
  • Share in workshop set up, clean-up and post workshop debriefing
  • Practice and prepare to facilitate the workshop exercises and components volunteered for
  • Work with incarcerated citizens on community pass who are learning about Transforming Power
  • Encourage workshop attendees to contribute to discussions and participate in workshop exercises
  • Offer support and assistance to workshop attendees and new volunteers
  • Participate in monthly Volunteer Meetings


Also, in preparation for serving as Qualified AVP Facilitator attend:

  •  a 2-hour mini-workshop
  • a Basic (beginner) 3-day workshop
  • a 3-day Advanced workshop, and 
  • co-facilitate a 3-day workshop
  • Over time, this adds up to 9+ days of training on AVP philosophy, concepts, training/facilitation techniques and leading by consensus dynamics. 


Good for Groups?
Volunteer Needs
Eligible for Court-Ordered Service
Wheelchair accessible
Type of Opportunity
Activity Type
Thursday, March 13th, 2025
Repeats daily until Thursday, April 24th, 2025
Opportunity can occur at any time, day or night, within a selected date range.
Location Details
Offsite Location
Indoor Project
Outdoor Project

First Unitarian Church of Omaha donates space for AVP workshops. Infrequently other venues may also be used.
3114 Harney St
Omaha, NE 68131
United States

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