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Join Abide for the 2024 Spring Clean Up! This spring we are going out into the neighborhoods to bless our community by mowing lawns, picking up trash, and beautifying lighthouses! Click HERE to sign up today!
We will be traveling to the following lighthouse zones:
-Walnut Hill
Each zone will have similar projects:
- Neighbor Connections: Connect with neighbors to mow their lawn and invite them to the June 5K.
- Clean up: Help remove trash, mow lawns and weed wack. Feel free to bring a mower/trimmer if you have one!
- Beatification: Paint Lighthouse.
Group/Church Sign Ups: Sign up your group as guests and either include their name and emails or email us a list of first and last names and emails of your group members, along with the name of your group/organization to For returning group members only a name is required. All group members who don't have an account will receive an invitation to create an account once we enter their data.
Family Sign Ups: Families may use the guest feature to add kids (no email required).
Need to know
What to wear:
- Work clothes
- Weather appropriate clothing, be prepared to work outside in the cold!
- Close toe shoes
Parking Instructions will be sent prior to event.