Restored Wings

Year Founded
Primary Contact Name
Restored Wings
Main Address

Restored Wings
PO Box 207
Boys Town, NE 68010
United States

What We Do

A Home For Healing ... At Restored Wings, we empower survivors of human trafficking with a secure home, specialized care, and education, strengthening them to thrive in life! Our Mission is to provide hope and restoration for women and girls (ages 12-18) who have escaped human trafficking. With the help of our staff, program leaders, volunteers,and community partners, the residents receive individualized recovery plans and trauma informed care. At our core, we aspire to be Christ-like. We are committed to the Word of God and its truth as a basis to our mission and vision.

Interesting Info
  • Restored Wings operates 10 of the approximately 600 residential beds for human trafficking survivors available in the U.S..
  • Our Restored Wings Program is the only holistic sober-living, short and long-term therapeutic residential program in Nebraska.
  • The Restored Wings Kids Ranch is the ONLY trauma-focused therapeutic home for children in the state of Nebraska.
Geographic Location

Nebraska, Iowa

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Coordinator - HIGH PRIORITY
Repeats daily, 10:30am - 10:45am for 365 times
Flexible Timing

Restored Wings Home Boutique
Wings of Hope Donor Wall
Talent shows up in the RW program
January 2023 Proclamation on Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Restored Wings Flourish Gala on September 14, 2023
Residents of the program made Charcuterie Boards
Survivor Art
Christmas at the women's program
Graduation Party!
Equine Therapy
Residents need to be shown that they matter