About this report:
For the past 5 years, generous metro Omahans have utilized SHAREomaha.org to create the change they wish to see in our community.
SHARE Omaha inspires year-round support and service by connecting impact makers to 600+ local nonprofits to do good by giving dollars, time, items and attending events.
This Five Year Generosity Report gives a glimpse into what donors and volunteers in our area care about and how they are giving their support and service. Data shared in this report represents SHAREomaha.org activity from 2019-2023.
SHARE Omaha’s supporters make it possible to continue our mission of connecting the community to meaningful ways to do good. Please join us in thanking:
Annette and Paul Smith
Children’s Nebraska
Cox Communications
CQuence Health
E Creative
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation
Iowa West Foundation
Lozier Foundation
Mammel Family Foundation
Medical Solutions
Metropolitan Utilities District
Mutual of Omaha Foundation
Nebraska Health Network - Community Relay
Omaha Community Foundation
Omaha Public Power District
Omaha Steaks
Physicians Mutual
Rhonda and Howard Hawks
Robert B. Daugherty Foundation
Suzanne & Walter Scott Foundation
The Sherwood Foundation
TS Bank
Wells Fargo

SHARE Omaha influences social change by connecting energized individuals, groups and organizations with ways to take action. SHARE Omaha helps Dodge, Douglas, Sarpy, Saunders and Washington county nonprofits fulfill their missions by recruiting donors to share money, material goods and time. SHARE Omaha expands our area’s culture of giving by promoting and celebrating all ways of doing good for over 600 metro nonprofits. A one-stop everyday donation platform, SHARE Omaha does not keep any portion of what is donated. Use SHARE Omaha to find volunteer, donation and event opportunities that shape the community you want to live in at SHAREomaha.org.