The Wellbeing Partners

May is mental health awareness month!

The Wellbeing Partners invites community members, organizations, and businesses to bring attention to mental health during Mental Health Awareness month this May. Use our toolkit – with ideas and policies to promote wellbeing in the workplace, along with social media images and suggested copy – as a resource.

  • Don’t forget to tag @TheWellbeing Partners and @WhatMakesUsMW and use hashtags #WhatMakesUs #TurningGreen when posting so we can gauge participation and help amplify your messages.
  • In addition, we invite you to wear green on Wednesdays in May to honor Mental Health Awareness month (#OnWednesdayWeWearGreen). We are selling a "Be Kind to Your Mind" tshirt through RAYGUN to increase awareness. $10 of every shirt sold goes back to our nonprofit. 
  • If you plan to participate in any way, let us know in advance by emailing Ty Nared at 


Event Setting
Virtual Event

United States

Monday, May 1st, 2023, 8am - 11pm
Duration of 15 hours